Longitudinal Innate Immunity and Aging Study (LIIA)

How does inflammation affect the aging brain? Research study investigates aging, memory and immune function.

The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is looking for interested adults 60+ to participate in a research study examining how inflammation influences memory and thinking. This study is seeking older adults who have recovered from COVID-19 AND older adults who have never tested positive for COVID-19. Data gathered from this study will be used to better understand how inflammation and COVID-19 exposure impact brain health and aging outcomes.

Procedures Include:

  • Set of tests that assess memory, attention, behavior, and other thinking skills
  • Questionnaires about health history
  • Blood sample
  • Spinal fluid sample
  • MRI of brain
  • SARS-CoV-2 antibody test (results provided)

You may qualify if you are:

  • 60 years or older
  • In good general health
  • Have NOT been diagnosed with a memory disorder

This study involves two research visits over the course of two years at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Compensation provided.

Please contact Neurology Research Partners at 303-724-4644 or neurologyresearchpartners@ucdenver.edu to learn more and see if you qualify.

If you would like us to contact you with information regarding this study, please fill out your name and contact information below.